iPhone Pre-Order Hell

I have never felt like such a mindless, drooling zombie tool of corporate America as I’ve felt today. Endlessly trying to order an iPhone 4, dozens and dozens and dozens of attempts of going through the AT&T and Apple websites (before realizing that I can’t go through Apple.com because I won’t get my corporate discount that way), dozens of attempts to call the AT&T Premier phone line, getting disconnected again and again due to “unusually high call volume,” finally being connected with a person who wasn’t able to help me this morning, and then getting connected to someone a few minutes ago who was apparently the wrong person and put me back in phone queue hell.

And why? Do I really need this new phone on June 24? Not that I can get it on June 24 anymore, because they’ve sold out. Isn’t my current iPhone perfectly fine for a while?

I feel like I’m a rat pressing a metal bar over and over again and expecting a different result. I’m so fucking angry that I’ve spent hours trying to order this silly piece of electronics that I don’t even need and I’m annoyed at myself for being angry about it and I’m annoyed that I’m still persisting in trying to order it.