
Howard Bashman of How Appealing referred to tenterhooks, just like I did last night. Weird…

I still hope nobody retires (even though Lawrence would have turned out the same way even without O’Connor). I don’t think anyone will retire right now; as I’ve read somewhere, “Those who know aren’t talking, and those who are talking don’t know.” The only ones stirring up the rumors of a retirement are politicians who are worried, and journalists who are looking for a good story. Bush is coasting to re-election right now and doesn’t need any controversy stirred up. And all the justices seem to be happy on the Court. Most importantly, there’s a major campaign finance case scheduled for hearings in September, which is unusually early, and it’s doubtful a replacement would be confirmed by then. But we’ll see.

2 thoughts on “Tenterhooks

  1. confirmed by sept? It’s possible, evil works quickly

    maybe darth vader will replace Rehnquist, for a slightly more liberal viewpoint

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