
Newest pet peeve: people who, when ordering food from a counter, begin their order with “Gimme” or “Lemme get.” I start my orders with the more tentative (and hopefully just rhetorical) “Could I have…?” The first two just strike me as rude.

6 thoughts on “Gimme

  1. You are right Jeff, they are rude. Most people don’t have/use common manners around people they have no intention of speaking with again.

  2. I was thinking about this awhile back, too. But I think it’s odd that people (including me) ask tentatively, “Could I have…?” when the person behind the counter is the one asking what you’ll have. I think a polite, declarative statement, “I would like coffee and chocolate, please,” does nicely.

  3. The rudest variation on this for me came from an actor I was on tour with several years ago. He would adopt a tone that suggested that our server was his personal slave and would preface his order with “I need…”

    I always wanted to respond to this…um…bigger guy that he obviously didn’t need ANY of the food he would be ordering.

    I never did that, but I do recall apologizing to a couple of servers for his bahavior.

  4. Oh, I HATE “Gimme” and “Lemme get”. I usually say “Could I have” too, but then people make fun of me (since the logical answer from the waiter would be “yes”).

    I try to say “I’ll have…please” now, since at least that doesn’t leave the waiter with a question to answer. But, frankly, I don’t see what’s wrong with “could I have” since, of course, the waiter knows that you are not asking permission.

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