Hanukkah Hipsters

A Happy Hipster Hanukkah. I love it.

“HELLOOOOOOOO Jews!” the M.C. shouted to the 1,000 or so people sipping drinks and jostling elbows in the hazy purple light of Crobar, the Chelsea club, on Sunday evening….

Christmas has gotten out of hand, said Jackie Hoffman, who is starring in “Chanukah at Joe’s Pub,” a one-woman show. “No one does ‘The Sukkot Revue,’ ” she said, referring to the autumnal Jewish holiday, “because then we’re not being badgered.”…

Hanukkah is a minor, generally child-centered holiday that celebrates the victory of the Jews over the Syrian Greeks around 165 B.C. No classic Hanukkah films or ballets were inspired by it… Adam Sandler’s 1995 “Hanukkah Song,” in which he enumerates Jewish (and semi-Jewish) celebrities, is the closest thing to a mainstream Hanukkah tune.

“I think Sandler was the catalyst for a lot of this,” said Robert Smigel, the voice (and hand) behind Triumph, after his performance on Sunday. “A lot of that was him asserting himself as a Jew.”…

“Like most other trends,” Mr. Tannenbaum said, “the Jewish holiday hipster started in New York and has spread outward.”

The movement is likely to only go so far, said Rabbi Marc Gellman, part of “The God Squad,” an interfaith cable television show, and a Newsweek.com columnist. “This revival is primarily a New York-L.A. thing, and it’s the result of the fact that the only geographical region that has a majority of Jews outside Israel is Manhattan,” he said. “If you live in Wichita, the new hip Jewish movement will never reach you.”