Gayest Movie Weekend Ever

We saw two movies this weekend.

Today was Brokeback Mountain. Hmm. Objectively, I thought it was a great movie – wonderfully acted and directed and filmed. But it didn’t really move me. That wouldn’t be such a big deal to me except that I keep hearing things about people leaving the theater crying. Matt, surprisingly, was sniffling and wiping his eyes at the end – surprising because I’m usually the more emotional one. I don’t know why I wasn’t as affected – perhaps I couldn’t identify with stoic cowboys; perhaps I’m tired of gay movies that don’t have happy endings. I don’t know. None of this means I didn’t enjoy the movie – I did. I just think it was meant more for straight America than for us gay boys.

Last night was The Producers. I don’t know what the critics are talking about – it was hysterical. Over the top, perhaps, but, duh. That’s the point.

And now Matt is watching the ABC TV production of Once Upon a Mattress, making this the gayest movie weekend ever.

4 thoughts on “Gayest Movie Weekend Ever

  1. I had higher expectations for once upon a mattress. It was cheesy and not well done. Carol Burnett’s costumes were the best part. It had a elementary school quality to it. I expected better really.

  2. Apparently if you don’t likeBrokeback Mountain you’re a BAD HOMOSEXUAL to be shunned by one and all. Its been over three decades since Stonewall, thousands have struggled, sacrificed and fucking DIED for gay rights, but in 2005 we’re all supposed to believe that FUCKING HOLLYWOOD MOVIE can save us all, give us gay marriage, turn back the Republican tide, stop the daily execution of gays in Iran, make your homophobic aunt/uncle/cousin/mother/father love you, and cure AIDS.

  3. Hmmm…Wow…the comments are interesting here. I really enjoyed the movie. I lived a lot about it aside from being able to identify with what these men were going through (to some extent). I hardly expected it to solve all of the world’s woes like Mr.Ehrenstein goes on (an on) about. I expected a gay love story and that’s what I got. I’m not sure what he was hoping it would “do”. I loved the music and the cinematography…I thought it was great.

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