5 thoughts on “Bush v. Gore Poll Numbers

  1. I think you’re reading it backwards or something. Gore was down by as much as 9 in some of those polls a week before the election. That, if nothing else, does correspond pretty closely with where McCain stands right now in the polls.

  2. You’ve got this right, although it may in fact show something that you are not intending it to show… Bush and Gore continued back and forth in the polls throughout October by about the same distance that McCain and Obama have been. In spite of that, the race was as close to a tie as possible in the electoral college, and the popular vote was WAY closer than the marging indicated by the pre-election polls. My impression throughout this cycle has been this – either candidate would have to have a SOLID (double digit in ALL polls) lead going into election night for there to not be a statistical tie. It’s going to be a LONG election night (or week…)

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