New York Times Presidential Endorsements

The New York Times has endorsed Barack Obama (big surprise).

What’s really cool is that the Times has also posted links to all its presidential endorsements, going back to Abraham Lincoln in 1860:

We have great confidence in his pacific and conciliatory disposition. He seems to us much more likely to be too good-natured and tolerant towards his opponents, than not enough so. Rail-splitting is not an exciting occupation. It does not tend to cultivate the hot and angry passions of the heart. It is much less stimulating in this direction than the business of overseer on a slave plantation. It teaches a man to strike heavy blows, and to plant them just where they are needed — but he learns, also, to deal them only when they are needed.

Tidbits: the Times endorsed FDR’s opponent, Wendell Willkie, in 1940. (It endorsed FDR in 1932 and 1936 and again in 1944.) It endorsed Republicans in 1948, 1952 and 1956; since then, it’s endorsed the Democrat every time.