Oval Office Makeover

Oval Office makeover! Oval Office makeover!

The Oval Office was redecorated while Obama was on vacation — not at taxpayer expense, mind you.

When he moved in last year, he made some minor tweaks, changing some of the artwork, but now it’s a full-blown redesign.

The walls are striped. Hmm… it’s certainly different. The walls have been solid-colored ever since the current Oval Office was built under FDR. Now it looks less regal, more soothing. I wonder if it was redesigned by Michael Smith?

Here’s video.

3 thoughts on “Oval Office Makeover

  1. I’m not crazy about those sofas — they’re a little too overstuffed Pottery Barn for my taste — but they sure do look comfy. I do like the modern-ish coffee table; it’s saying, not every piece of furniture in the White House has to have spindly Queen Anne legs!

  2. Glad you posted this bit on the redo of the Oval Office. Ghastly makeover — the Oval Office is supposed to reflect either the history and ideals of our nation, or suggest the power of the Presidency itself.

    Comfy beige overstuffed couches do not cut it, nor do hotel lobby ceramic bases paired with a tiled coffee table. Holy Smoke! Where are the furnishings evoking ‘Eternal Vigilance is the price we pay for liberty?” I bet all of the foreign dignitaries who visit are going to just shake their heads and chuckle when they are ushered in for their Photo Op.

    Well, whateva. At least the designer skipped lava lamps, bean chairs and paint-on-velvet .

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